
You can read my work in scholarly and professional outlets.

My book, How Consultants Shape Nonprofits: Shared Values, Unintended Consequences, is forthcoming in 2024 via Stanford University Press’ SSIR Books Series. In related work, I recently contributed op-eds to the Chronicle of Philanthropy about strategy consulting in the nonprofit sector and how consultants can support nonprofit recovery post COVID-19, and to the Center for Effective Philanthropy blog on consultants’ role in social change.

I’ve also written about the impact of the pandemic and Black Lives Matter on the arts and culture in Philadelphia (International Journal of Cultural Property, with Stan Katz), cultural philanthropy in Mexico (International Journal of Cultural Property), evaluation and learning in nonprofits (Candid’s PhilanTopic), art and migration (Medium), and the effect of the pandemic on undocumented Latinx communities (Medium, in collaboration with colleagues at Puentes de Salud). Our work at Puentes centering community leadership to promote COVID-19 vaccination in Philadelphia’s Latinx immigrant communities was recently featured on

In 2017, the Stanford Social Innovation Review featured my quantitative project about the distribution of funding to arts organizations in Philadelphia and the relationship between funding and organizational survival. The paper is also available as part of the Princeton Center for the Study of Social Organization working paper series.

An ethnographic paper about professionalization in expressive arts organizations, featuring visionary art environment Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens, was published in Nonprofit Management and Leadership in 2018. I also contributed to a qualitative paper about the entry of digital art into the Museum of Modern Art in New York City that was published in Museum & Society. I’m currently working on a historical paper about cultural philanthropy in Oaxaca, Mexico and writing about strategy and evaluation consulting in the nonprofit sector. I’m also collaborating with Alberta Arthurs and the NYU Brademas Center on a book project about art’s value in society.

Earlier in my career I published an opinion piece about the Museo Textil de Oaxaca in Curator: The Museum Journal, a white paper about demand for the arts via the University of Chicago Cultural Policy Center, as well as several profiles of innovative museum practices in the California Association of Museums CAM E-News.